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Customized Jewelry Florence
Earrings in gold and silver with ammonite fossil specifically created for a passionate of geology
Customized Jewelry Florence
Earrings in ebony, gold, silver and cultured pearls. These earrings very voluminous but light, they were created many years ago for the eighteenth of an African girl who loves ethnic jewelry, but who wished to wear something more modern and contemporary.
Contemporary Jewelry Florence
"No bed of roses" Double ring in silver, copper, terracotta and living cactus created for the expo "Natura e Artificio" at Museo di Storia Naturale Villa Henderson Livorno
Customized Jewelry Florence
MICROFFICINA Handmade Jewelry
Microfficina Florence Jewelry
Customized Jewelry Florence
MICROFFICINA Florence Jewelry
Ring in ebony and antique cameo, gold and silver
Customized Jewelry Florence
MICROFFICINA Jewelry Designer
MICROFFICINA Customized Jewelry
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